Just a quick update for those who check:
Looking down at the house from the West.
Note jaboticaba tree at left - it's full of ripening fruit.
From the North. The water line is being laid today and tomorrow - soon the tank you can
see at the back will be full and we'll finally have running water.
First garden beds, full of lettuce, radishes, arrugula, collards, mustard and more. At the front of the photo is a two cubic foot hole for our first trees:
papaya, coffee and pitanga, I think.
And here is Guy at our bedroom window - he's busy today sanding the concrete walls in order to paint next week. I'll be waxing the glazed cement floors in the meantime. As you may remember, we're not too happy with so much cement, but we needed to move ahead and this was the best we could do right now. From now on we hope to be greener, using more Earth-friendly materials.